B O N N Y L E I B O W I T Z - R E M N A N T S A N D O T H E R E L E V A T E D P A R T S
This exhibition is a collection of new works that feature found and manipulated textiles, mixed-media collage, and abstracted sculpture. The exhibition weaves together a multitude of perceptions surrounding the exquisite and the mundane, the elevated and the collapsed.
Remnants and Other Elevated Parts consistent in its space-defining pieces that play with abstracted forms containing strong visual cues. Leibowitz attributes the use of globally-sourced vintage and antique textiles and mass produced fabrics to conceptual allusions to history, migration, and transition. She explores cultural histories and values via found materials, creating objects that are visually unique as they ask questions about the social status quo.
Bonny Leibowitz attended Temple University's Tyler College of Art in Philadelphia, PA. and has been the subject of numerous interviews and reviews. She had a solo exhibition at The Museum of Art, Midwestern State University and has participated in museum group exhibitions at the Cape Cod Museum of Art and the Arlington Museum of Art. She has had solo exhibitions throughout the United States, from Dallas, Texas to Santa Fe, New Mexico, to Laguna Beach, California and group exhibitions in Matera, Italy, Akko, Israel, Brooklyn, New York, Baltimore, Maryland, and Art Basel Satellite Art Fair, Miami Beach, Florida.
On view 9 September to 9 October 2016.